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Apple Wallet Clone with React Native Reanimated

Vadim Savin profile picture
Vadim SavinApr 21, 2024

Let's build Apple Wallet using React Native, React Native Reanimated and React Native Gesture Handler.

This tutorial offers you a hands-on experience to learn gesture powered Animation in React Native using Reanimated and Gesture Handler.

Vadim Savin profile picture

Vadim Savin

Hi 👋 Let me introduce myself

I started my career as a Fullstack Developer when I was 16 y.o.

In search of more freedom, I transitioned to freelancing, which quickly grew into a global software development agency 🔥

Because that was not challenging enough, I started my startup which is used by over 20k users. This experience gave another meaning to being a (notJust) developer 🚀

I am also a proud ex-Amazon SDE and Certified AWS Architect, Developer and SysOps. You are in good hands 👌